Sunday, August 13, 2017


Success is a crazy thing. When I say success, I don't mean money or material things, I simply mean achieving long term personal goals. So why is success a crazy thing? Because, the effort you've put in and sacrifices you've made can change you, a lot, without you even noticing until you get to your finish line.

More often that not that change is a very good thing, because if you haven't grown then did you really even do anything significant? Reaching your personal mountain top, if you've really worked for it, can bring many unexpected gifts and blessings over and above your original goal. This clip from a J. Cole interview sums up what I'm trying to say perfectly. It gets there at around the 2:00 minute mark. For me personally, my hustle this far has shown me that there only a handful of things that really matter in life: family, reputation & creating good karma.


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